Obstacles to Enrolling in a Course (and Why to Overcome Them):
I’m simply too busy.
We get it, but emergencies don’t care about your busy schedule. They occur anyway. Consider that you’re learning skills that could save you and your family’s life not just in an outdoor emergency, but in an urban emergency as well. The lessons you learn at ALSS will increase your awareness, confidence, and staying power in life threatening scenarios. Isn’t this worth making the time?
Arizona is too far to travel.
Arizona has the most geographical diversity, in the shortest drive time, of anyplace in North America. As an example, our course the Arizona Combo Special covers terrains as diverse as Sonoran desert, pinyon juniper woodland, and alpine mountain forest; in seven days. It’s like traveling to three separate survival classes in three separate locations within the US, on one budget! Arizona’s landscapes are unmatched for outdoor training diversity. Between our field experience and world renowned landscapes, it’s worth the trip!
It’s too expensive.
In emergencies, not knowing what to do can cost you your life. That’s expensive. Survival training deals with the safety of you and your family. Its life insurance you can count on without the monthly premiums. In the end, survival training is a value judgment by you. It’s not a profession you should " bargain shop". What is feeling more confident in emergencies worth to you? What if the skills you learned helped save your life, or that of someone you care about?
Why do I need survival training? I never go outside that much anyway.
Most of our students live in cities or towns. Some rarely recreate in the outdoors. ALSS training creates a more confident and self-reliant person wherever they are. Students quickly realize that many of the skills they learn in the “outdoors” are directly applicable in their city backyard. All ALSS courses involve cross training, where elements of modern survival skills, primitive living skills, urban preparedness, and bushcrafting are joined to give the student the most well rounded education possible.
It will be uncomfortable.
Depending on what ALSS course you enroll in, yes, it will be. You are thinking about signing up for a survival course. Real survival situations are not “comfortable”. By learning how to deal with emergencies in a controlled environment, you'll be far better prepared should you find yourself in a real emergency. The more realistic your training, the better prepared you will be, and the more confidence and skill you’ll take home.
I don’t want to eat bugs and weird stuff.
There is no “bug eating” on ALSS “skills” courses. For those with an adventurous appetite, look to ALSS “adventure” courses!
I don’t have the outdoor experience needed for the course and it’s probably only for advanced students anyway.
No, it’s not. We don’t have a “take this course, so you can take that course” methodology. Some courses are more demanding, but we routinely have students with no back country experience enroll and succeed in our most difficult courses. At ALSS, all students begin at the same level whether they have field experience or not. It’s one of the teaching methods we use to ensure quality training with each student regardless of their background. Keep in mind that the majority of our students are beginners.
My family and friends feel I’m weird for being interested in survival skills.
This is very common for ALSS students. Fortunately, we get “weird” students who are concerned about their lives, want to be prepared, are able to think out of the box, are unique, individual, proactive with their time and money, and are willing to get off their ass and make an investment in their freedom, confidence, and safety. We wouldn’t have it any other way! At ALSS, you will meet other “weirdo's” just like you. The irony is that if an emergency occurs, your friends and family will look to you for guidance!
I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up with the group.
If you have reasonable physical fitness and mobility, this will not be a concern on ALSS “skills” courses. Some students who have an interest in the more physically demanding “adventure” courses have enrolled in a skills course first to test the waters and see how an ALSS course is conducted. Most feel comfortable to then enroll in a more demanding course. All physical fitness queries go through Cody where he works with students to help them decide which course is right for them.
I don’t like all of the macho, Rambo, survivalist BS attached to survival training.
Neither do we…we look forward to training with you!
My friend took a survival course one time and they said it sucked.
We don’t doubt it. Unfortunately, unqualified “survival instructors” are extremely common. Fraudulent TV survival shows frequently churn out new “experts”, and facebook and you tube allow the full time plumber to appear like a professional survival instructor. ALSS is a professional survival school. We teach survival skills full time and have for many years. Check out our credentials, ask the hard questions, and take advantage of the ALSS difference.
How do I know if ALSS is any good at what they do?
Please visit Cody’s professional resume, survival credibility, training advantages, and client testimonial links. If you have questions that go beyond what’s offered on these pages, contact us.
I need to be in control all the time, and this would take me out of my comfort zone.
No one is in full control during a survival situation. That’s what makes them so scary. Prepare for this fact now by learning skills that will help you navigate the unknowns in emergencies.
I don’t need a survival course as I can learn all I need to know by watching TV survival shows or You Tube videos.
We wish you the best.
My cousin teaches survival classes for the Boy scouts, I can just learn from him.
It is not wise to learn life-saving skills from a hobbyist.
Want another opinion? Read testimonials from ALSS students who had the same obstacles to enrolling that you did.