About Cody Lundin
My Legacy Banner at the Homestead National Monument, Beatrice, Nebraska. A few years ago, I was given the honor of being a part of the Homestead National Monument. This was due to my grandparents who used the Homestead Act of 1862 to acquire land to build their sod home on the prairies of South Dakota.
Image from the back of Cody’s book, 98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive! CODY LUNDIN is an internationally recognized professional survival instructor with more than 34 years of hands-on teaching experience. Unbeknownst to him at the time, Cody's love of all things self-reliant began as a child with the influence of his homesteading grandparents. Their rural South Dakota lifestyle of living close to the land and doing more with less was Cody’s first exposure to what the family still calls, “that good ol’ pioneer spirit.”
The only child of a military family, Cody moved frequently, including time spent in Europe. During these years of migration, with no formal base to call home, Nature became Cody’s constant companion, whether in the neighboring woods or the back yard.
During his teenage years in the prairies and mountains of Wyoming his interest in self-reliance training continued. He would frequently hike alone into the Wyoming wilderness with spartan gear and a piece of fishing line to improvise catching brook trout. Cody graduated early from high school, created his first survival kit for living on the road, and boarded a westward bound greyhound bus with a duffle bag and a guitar – making raw choices that would nearly cost him his life. He lived on city streets, alone in the woods, in a radical commune a few miles from the Mexican border, and generally immersed himself in the dark years he simply calls, “my warrior training.”
Cody’s life changed forever when he experienced a transformation in the red rock wilderness of Arizona. This profound experience with the natural world inspired him to change his life and share Nature with others. He then consciously entered a multi-year journey of hard choices, deprivation and self-correction.
In 1991, with an initial investment of less than $10, Cody founded the Aboriginal Living Skills School using the same passion, determination and psychological stamina he used to overcome personal challenges and heal his life.
Cody wrote, produced, directed and starred in The Survival Show with Cody Lundin, the only survival show created by a real survival instructor. He is also the best-selling author of two books on survival and preparedness, 98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive (2003) and When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need to Survive When Disaster Strikes (2006). Both books have been translated into several languages and are routinely featured in the top ten best-sellers for their genre on Amazon. His expertise in practical outdoor skills comes from a lifetime of personal experience including two years spent living in a brush shelter in the woods where he slept on pine needles and cooked over an open fire.
Due to his intimate understanding of the physics, psychology and physiology of human survival, Cody is routinely featured as the consulting expert on real-world emergencies for national and international news outlets. He has trained private, corporate, and governmental agencies, thousands of students and dozens of national and international media sources in outdoor survival, primitive living skills, bushcrafting, and urban preparedness.
As a result of his skill and dedication, Cody has been featured in media sources including The Today Show, History Channel, Dateline NBC, CBS News, USA Today, The New York Times, Esquire, Playboy, Good Morning America, The Donny and Marie Show, The Weather Channel, Newsweek, CNN Newsroom, TV Guide, NPR, Fox News, Discovery Channel and CBC Radio One in Canada to name a few. In September of 1999 Cody was honored as the third person in history to appear on the cover of Backpacker magazine, which featured a story on his skills and philosophies of survival. In July of 2009, Cody was hand-picked by former Discovery Channel CEO John Ford to co-host the hit Discovery Channel show, "Dual Survival" in which he starred for four seasons. Click here to download a press kit PDF with complete media credits, or visit media links for newspaper, magazine, television, and radio.
He has consulted for National Geographic Television, PBS, the Travel Channel, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the United States Forest Service, the National Park Service, Copley News Service, and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), among others.
When not teaching for his own school, Cody is an adjunct faculty member at Yavapai College, Prescott College, and the Ecosa Institute where he teaches the survival and sustainability curriculums he created. He teaches with rare intensity gand humor to individuals, groups, schools, and various organizations throughout the United States and abroad. Resumé
Cody lives in a self-designed, self-reliant, passive solar earth home in the high-desert wilderness of Northern Arizona in which he catches rain, composts wastes, and pays nothing for heating and cooling.
Fun facts: Cody has a permit from Arizona Game and Fish to collect road kill. He is the only person in Arizona with a license to catch fish with his hands.