The Desert Drifter
The Desert Drifter

Above: An amazing slide show created by Desert Drifter student Chuck Davis.

A desert oasis.Water ...




SimplicitySimplicity ...




Creating a willow shelter.Creating a willow shelter.




Rain men.Rain men.




High desert camp.High desert camp.




Stories around the campfire.Stories around the campfire.




The Desert Drifter

Challenge Yourself. Find Out What's Truly Important In Life

Class limited to 11 students
May 11-17, 2025
Tuition: $2969
Instructor: Cody Lundin
Sign Up Today!

Click here for wait list options if course is labeled "full"

Very few outdoor schools offer you the honest experience of living what they teach. The Desert Drifter is our "toughest" course. It is no ordinary outdoor experience and is designed to strip you of everything you thought you needed in the wilderness. It is a course structured to challenge and quickly wear away your limitations and replace them with confidence, improvisation and gratitude.

Your trek begins with a map, water bottles and the clothes on your back. Like the ancient tribes before us, you will travel as a hunter - gatherer band through stunning Arizona wilderness relying on each other, what nature provides and little else. The focus of this journey is the journey itself. The skills covered will be those directly related to your needs such as finding water, fire, shelter, and food. Adaptation, attitude and awareness will become your constant companions on this uniquely raw, cross-country adventure, the motto for the Drifter experience simply being “whatever works.” (Extensive cross-country hiking required)

Sign Up Today!



"I have attended many survival courses in the military and I can say without a doubt I enjoyed the Desert Drifter more than any others. Thanks for teaching and more importantly demonstrating competency and common sense. Both qualities are hard to find in this day and age. I am thankful that a school such as yours exists and I believe whole heartedly that ALSS provides the best level of instruction anyone could get in this day and age."
Barty Sorrells, Retired Special Forces Medical Sergeant, “Desert Drifter” alum, 2015.