98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive!
by Cody Lundin
6x9 inch, soft bound, 216 pgs,
80 illustrations, 55 color photos,
ISBN# 1-58685-234-5
The birth of the book!
Nearly ten years before the publication of 98.6 Degrees in 2003, I had been thinking about writing a book about outdoor survival skills. I wanted to do something "different" in the survival book genre and focus exclusively upon the issues facing the vast majority of modern outdoor enthusiasts, and why many of them came home dead. I knew I would experience fallout from some readers and survival instructors alike who were enslaved by out dated, mind numbing concepts of what a modern survival book should contain. These misconceptions had been indoctrinated and perpetuated since time began by old military survival manuals that while cool, were geared for combat and “living off the land,” not surviving a day hike gone bad and dealing with hypo and hyperthermia--statistically the biggest killers of all outdoor travelers. I also knew that I wanted to go with a real publisher. Self-publishing seemed like an endless, self-marketing journey, complete with sagging leaf springs from a vehicle overloaded with poorly photocopied “books” held together with staples. Worse yet, I had to pay someone to print them!
Years later, I was approached by several publishers including two, very large New York City publishing houses. Unfortunately, the bigger the company, the less guts they had in regard to literary content and design. All wanted safe, predictable, watered down formats, in a particular style that had already been done and was selling well to a public who had no other options. Finally, but not without many fights regarding illustration style, cover designs, the word “ass” and other warnings from the publishing worlds “do not do” list, a publisher agreed to the concept for the book and 98.6 was born.
98.6 Degrees in essence is a book with the freedom in style and content of a self-published book, but without the plastic binding, staples, poorly photocopied drawings, scary grammar, and crappy distribution. Several professional writers have shared with me how rare getting your way is in the world of publishing-especially since my last name is not "King." For you, the reader or potential reader, this means you get a truly unabridged book about life-giving skills in a format designed to hold your attention using methods that have been employed for thousands of years by cultures all over the world. I’ll admit that the books format may not please everyone. Although some may be offended, they just might live.
In summary, 98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive is in its ninth printing, has sold more than 45,000 copies, and is regularly featured in Amazon’s top ten most popular survival books since 2003. It has been translated into Spanish, adopted as a training manual by Search and Rescue teams around the nation and has already saved several lives. Nothing makes me happier. A big thanks to everyone involved for making the book a continued success! Live long and Party On!
Primitively Yours,
Cody Lundin